Admob ads not showing up

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轮回少年 2021-01-02 02:31

I am trying to implement Admob in Android and I am seeing requests coming into AdMob. However, I am not seeing the Admob ads being displayed on the Android screen in the emu

  • 2021-01-02 03:18

    My ads were shown by just having few request here are the following steps I made

    1. Get More Requests You are saying that 400 imp but no ads just make another ad unit in same app it will start showing I also did this this method and ad started In my previous ad unit it have many request but no imp then I made another unit it started showing ads

    2. Have patient in my account it take 4 days to show ads and my account was approved by Google in 1 hr it take a lot of time to build inventory in the server so be patient you will have your ads

    3. Complaint Google at admob complatint they will check your app and chances of app is approved is 50-50%

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  • 2021-01-02 03:19

    make sure, your admob publisher ID is correct. It had happend with me once and I could not figure out the error for about 15 days.

    In Admob every app that you submit gets a different publisher ID. It is unique per Application and not per User.

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  • 2021-01-02 03:23

    Be carefull with the id, there are 2 codes: the editor number (like this: pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and the other is the banner id (like this: ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx)

    You need to use the last one, if you use the first doesnt work:)

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  • 2021-01-02 03:27

    It usually takes some time for ads to start appearing via admob. This happens in the case when you have just registered on admob and started up with your first application. If the suggestions given above are taken care of and if your admob page shows a "green" status, I wont worry about it too much. Once your fill rate increases, you will start to see more and more ads.

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  • 2021-01-02 03:28

    You are using ads:adUnitId="My Publisher ID" replace it with ads:adUnitId="Here AdUnitId for this app" Note: You have to create app on Admob and you will get AdUnitId for that created app. You don't have to use Publisher ID.

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  • 2021-01-02 03:30

    Make sure that the layout the AdView is embedded in does not impose any padding on the AdView. The AdView's size has to be exactly 320x50 dip. It does not show up if it does not get enough room.

    Also check the log output of your device. In Eclipse switch to the DDMS perspective, select your device and watch the LogCat output.

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