I have a simple text file that reads something like \"It is 28 degrees today\" I am trying to use imagemagick to center it to the middle of the image. The command i am using
Look At this
convert temp.jpg -gravity Center -pointsize 30 -annotate 0 'Love you
mom' temp1.jpg
'i love u mom' text word gravity positioning center place of the text
convert \
-size 165x70 \
xc:lightblue \
-font Bookman-DemiItalic \
-pointsize 12 \
-fill blue \
-gravity center \
-draw "text 0,0 'It is 28 degrees today'" \
If you want to pull the input from an existing file, just feed that to the draw command:
convert \
-size 165x70 \
xc:lightblue \
-font Bookman-DemiItalic \
-pointsize 12 \
-fill blue \
-gravity center \
-draw "text 0,0 '$(cat file.txt)'" \