I\'ve created a set of nested components.
The code is here: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/hasehija/2/edit.
If I understand the question correctly, this question is related and the answer shows how you can do it from the template--you may be able to do:
{{#level-2 targetObject=view}}
{{#level-3 targetObject=view}}
<button {{action 'handleAction'}}>
Click me (yielded)
Handy if you don't control the inner components or don't want to modify them directly as the other answer does.
I think the reason you say view
here instead of parentView
in the above answer is due to Handlebars treating view
as a special keyword...in any case, using parentView
in the template didn't work (which puzzles me, but whatever).
Based on your example, you must define the component targetObject
property as:
App.Level3Component = Ember.Component.extend({
action: 'handleAction',
targetObject: Em.computed.alias('parentView'),
actions: {
handleAction: function() {
alert('Handled in Level 3');