I have the following code:
public void myMethod(Object... args) {
System.out.println(\"this is myMethod\");
public void invokeMyMethod() {
You can use dp4j command-line to answer your question:
$ javac -cp ../dp4j-1.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -All -Averbose=true MyClass.java
MyClass.java:7: Note:
public class MyClass {
public MyClass() {
public void myMethod(Object... args) {
System.out.println("this is myMethod");
public void invokeMyMethod() throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException, java.lang.NoSuchFieldException, java.lang.IllegalAccessException, java.lang.NoSuchMethodException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
final java.lang.reflect.Method myMethodWithArrayMethod = Class.forName("MyClass").getDeclaredMethod("myMethod", .java.lang.Object[].class);
myMethodWithArrayMethod.invoke(this, new .java.lang.Object[1][]{new .java.lang.Object[2][]{"hi", "there"}});
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
new MyClass().invokeMyMethod();
public void invokeMyMethod() {
$ java MyClass
this is myMethod
The problem here is with the variable arguments (the Object...
) that Method.invoke
Changing this line
s.invoke(this, ex);
to this
s.invoke(this, (Object)ex);
will work.
In the background, Object...
is passed as an Object[]
. Java's seeing your Object[]
and choosing not to wrap it up in another Object[]
. By casting to Object
, it now just sees that and reverts to its normal wrap-it-up behaviour - the same as what other answers are doing manually.
You need to call the method like this:
s.invoke(this, new Object[]{new Object[]{"hi", "there"}});
(... or use the alternative in @Jon's answer.)
The reason your current code fails is to do with the way that varadic methods are implemented in Java. Essentially, T1 xxx(T2... args)
is syntactic sugar for T1 xxx(T2[] args)
. And when you call the methods, xxx(arg1, arg2, arg3)
is syntactic sugar for xxx(new T2[]{arg1, arg2, arg3})
In this case, you are trying to call a varadic method using another varadic method with the same array basetype, and there are multiple possible interpretations of the code.
When there are two possible interpretations of a varadic call, Java assumes that you are trying to use the "unsugared" version of the call instead of the "sugared" version. Or to be more precise, the "sugared" interpretation is used if and only if:
If you are interested, this behaviour is specified in the JLS in section
So ... my solution works by forcing the non-varadic interpretation and explicitly constructing the required array. @Jon's solution works by forcing the correct varadic interpretation.