Following error occurred when trying to convert entity object into JSON String. I\'m using C# MVC4 with code first DB designing. It seams its because FKs and relationships b
it is trying to load child objects and it may be creating some circular loop property that will never end.
also you use [ScriptIgnore] , will not serialize the public property or public field look at this :
public class BookingHotel : IntBaseEntity
public string BookingName { get; set; }
public string BookingReference { get; set; }
public DateTime? CheckInDate { get; set; }
public DateTime? CheckOutDate { get; set; }
public int HotelId { get; set; }
public Hotel Hotel { get; set; }
Its because it is trying to load child objects and it may be creating some circular loop that will never ending( a=>b, b=>c, c=>d, d=>a)
you can turn it off only for that particular moment as following.So dbcontext will not load customers child objects unless Include method is called on your object
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
User ma = db.user.First(x => x.u_id == id);
return Json(ma, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Why not create a class to hold the query contents? That worked for me
I was having the same issue, what I have done is have passed only needed column to view , In my my case. only 2.
List<SubCategory> lstSubCategory = GetSubCateroy() // list from repo
var subCategoryToReturn = lstSubCategory.Select(S => new { Id = S.Id, Name = S.Name });
return this.Json(subCategoryToReturn , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Circular reference detected exception while serializing object to JSON
My problem is solved by using this :
//initialize model db
testdbEntities dc = new testdbEntities();
//get employee details
List<Employee1> lst = dc.Employee1.ToList();
//selecting the desired columns
var subCategoryToReturn = lst.Select(S => new {
Employee_Id = S.Employee_Id,
First_Name = S.First_Name,
Last_Name = S.Last_Name,
Manager_Id = S.Manager_Id
//returning JSON
return this.Json(subCategoryToReturn , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);