This is an extremely simple question, but reading through the docs for the first time, I can\'t figure out how to construct this query. Let\'s say I have a graph that looks
So what you need is not only friend of john, but also friends of friends. So you need to tell neo4j to recursively go deep in the graph.
This query goes 2 level deep.
MATCH (john:Person { name:"John" })-[:friend *1..2]->(friend: Person)
RETURN, friend.age;
To go n
nevel deep, don't put anything i.e. *1..
Oh and I also found this nice example in neo4j
So what does *1..2
here means:
to denote that its a recursion.
to denote that do not include john itself i.e. is the start node. If you put 0 here, it will also include the John node
to denote that go from this node till ...
denotes the level of recursion. Here you say to stop at level 2. i.e. dont go beyond steve. If you put nothing there, it will keep on going until it cannot find a node that "has" a friend relationship
Documentation for these types of query match is here and a similar answer here.