I know that WPF 3.5 SP1 supports a StringFormat
in a binding, but can Silverlight do the same? I thought it could, but damned if I can make it work!
I don't know which version of Silverlight introduced it, but you now can. I'm using Silverlight 4 Beta.
<data:DataGridTextColumn Header="Date"
Binding="{Binding CreateDt, StringFormat=\{0:d\}}" />
Here's info on Formatting Types, and more for DateTime.
Here's full documentation on Silverlight Binding.
The string format noted by Simon is in Silverlight 4. There is even support in Blend for setting the format.
Silverlight 3 and below do not, but you can use a Value Converter and specify the ConverterParamenter in the binding. You'll have to create your own Value Converter by deriving a class from IValueConverter like I've shown here.
Silverlight 4 and later has the same StringFormat binding property as WPF.