What I really need is an equivalent of this from Eclipse with Netbeans:
There's no built in way to do this. You can, however, use external tools to archive this like OneJar:
Edit: Apparently this is even the way the Netbeans team expects you to do it: http://wiki.netbeans.org/PackagingADistributableJavaApp
Okay, so this is my solution. I too had the problem my programmme compiling and running on Netbeans but it failing when I tried Java -jar MyJarFile.jar Now, I don't fully understand Maven and I think this why was having trouble getting Netbeans 8.0.2 to include my jar file in a library to put them into a jar file. I was thinking about how I used to use jar files with no Maven in Eclipse.
It's Maven that compiles all the dependanices and plugins. Not Netbeans. (If you can get Netbeans to do this please tell us how (^.^)v )
[Solved - for Linux] by opening a terminal.
cd /MyRootDirectoryForMyProject
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:compile
mvn install
This will create jar file in the target directory.
cd target
(You may need to run: chmod +x MyJarFile-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar) And finally
java -jar MyJarFile-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Please see
I'll post this solution in on a couple of other pages with a similar problem. Hopefully I can save somebody from a week of frustration.
I prefer this solution since there is nothing to download, all based on Ant build (~20 lines). That way there is no additional dependency to bother with. If you have a couple of minutes, you can learn about Ant too.
It seems like the link to the original Article is broken (thanks Oracle). Here is another link.
The original article is also available from Oracle link.