Is there anything in PHP that is the equivalent of manually pressing the F5 page reload button? My php script is in a frame and isn\'t the parent script but it needs to ref
PHP cannot force the client to do anything. It cannot refresh the page, let alone refresh the parent of a frame.
EDIT: You can of course, make PHP write JavaScript, but this is not PHP doing, it's actually JavaScript, and it will fail if JavaScript is disabled.
echo '<script>parent.window.location.reload(true);</script>';
with php you can use two redirections. It works same as refresh in some issues.
you can use a page redirect.php and post your last url to it by GET method (for example). then in redirect.php you can change header to location you`ve sent to it by GET method.
like this: your page:
that worked for me good.
guess you could echo the meta tag to do the refresh in regular intervals ... like
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600" url="your-url-here">
All you need to do to manually refresh a page is to provide a link pointing to the same page
Like this: Refresh the selection
Adding following in the page header works for me:
if($i_wanna_reload_the_full_page_on_top == "yes")
$reloadneeded = "1";
$reloadneeded = "0";
if($reloadneeded > 0)
<script type="text/javascript">
If you have any text before a
you'll have issues, because that must be sent before any other text is sent to the page.
Try using this code instead
$page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
echo '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;' . $page . '">';
Just remember, this code will create and infinite loop, so you'll probably need to make some conditional changes to it.