I\'ve tried to find documentation about how in a Jenkinsfile pipeline catching the error that occurs when a user cancels a job in jenkins web UI.
I haven\'t got the
Non-declarative approach:
When you abort pipeline script build, exception of type org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException
is thrown. Release resources in catch
block and re-throw the exception.
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException
def releaseResources() {
echo "Releasing resources"
sleep 10
node {
try {
echo "Doing steps..."
} catch (FlowInterruptedException interruptEx) {
throw interruptEx
Declarative approach (UPDATED 11/2019):
According to Jenkins Declarative Pipeline docs, under post section:
Run the steps in this post condition after every other post condition has been evaluated, regardless of the Pipeline or stage’s status.
So that should be good place to free resources, no matter whether the pipeline was aborted or not.
def releaseResources() {
echo "Releasing resources"
sleep 10
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage("test") {
steps {
parallel (
unit: {
node("main-builder") {
script {
echo "Doing steps..."
sleep 20
post {
cleanup {
You can add a post trigger "cleanup" to the stage:
post {
cleanup {
script { ... }
sh "remove lock"