is there a reasonable way to access the view attribute \"passedArgs\" (or any similar)
/* view */
from within a Helper
Cake 2.x and 3.x
You can look up your variables in the _View
Cake 1.x
If you grab the current view object from within the helper you should be able to get to its passedArgs.
class SomeHelper extends AppHelper {
function __construct($settings = array()){
$this->passedArgs = ClassRegistry::getObject('view')->passedArgs;
Cake 1.2.x
If you grab the current view object from within the helper you should be able to get to its viewVars.
class SomeHelper extends AppHelper {
function __construct($settings = array()){
$this->viewVars = ClassRegistry::getObject('view')->viewVars;
Enjoy, Nick
Cake 3:
Have you tried just setting the view's value from the AppController?
class AppController extends Controller {
function beforeFilter() {
// other stuff
$this->set( 'passed_args', $this->params['pass'] );