I have been exploring Room database object mapping library and I figured something weird.
An entity data model cannot have immutable properties, as this answer sugge
It's weird because I can make my Entity class using val
for all of my fields without an issue
@Entity(tableName = "repo")
data class RepoEntity(
@PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "id") @SerializedName("id") val id: Int,
@ColumnInfo(name = "name") @SerializedName("name") val name: String,
@ColumnInfo(name = "full_name") @SerializedName("full_name") val fullName: String,
@Embedded(prefix = "owner") @SerializedName("owner") val owner: RepoOwnerEntity,
@ColumnInfo(name = "html_url") @SerializedName("html_url") val htmlUrl: String,
@ColumnInfo(name = "description") @SerializedName("description") val description: String?
And the data still stored correctly inside the Database.
I believe that the issue stems from certain fields which can not be constructor parameters. From the Javadoc of the @Relation
Note that the
annotated field cannot be a constructor parameter, it must be public or have a public setter.
As a workaround, I had a private constructor parameter _myRelationProperty
and a public field:
val myRelationProperty: List<MyThings> get() = _myRelationProperty