I think this should be simple. Say I\'ve got the following jQuery:
$someForm.live(\'submit\', function(event) {
// do something
If there
You can use the target property of the event
object to get the element that initiated the event:
$(":submit").click(function(event) {
var initiatingElement = event.target;
// Do something with `initiatingElement`...
EDIT: Note that, for that to work, you will have to handle the click
events of your submit buttons instead of the submit
event of your form.
Normally you can use event.target for the element itself...and in this case, since it's a native DOM property, just use .name
as well:
$someForm.live('submit', function(event) {
var name = event.target.name;
However, since submit
doesn't originate from the button, only a click does, you want something more like this:
$("form :submit").live('click', function(event) {
var name = this.name;
Use this
here, because as @patrick points out, a <button>
can have children as well, and the target may be a child in those cases.