I have a unusual problem which I have no idea how to solve.
I have a JSON file, where a application id is stored, namely the following:
\"app_id\": \
A quick and dirty solution would be to add some character at the beginning or end of your number to force PHP to treat it as a string. Maybe intstead of "363924477024846" use "z363924477024846" and then remove the z when you need to use it. Obviously append this before you send it.
If you can change the JSON file contents, have you tried wrapping the application ID in quotes, like so:
"app_id": "'363924477024846'"
As clentfort has said, you're exceeding the max value for a 32bit integer (~2.1bn signed)
I had the same problem here: Simply use phps number_format function, which solves this issue:
$number = "363924477024846";
echo number_format($number, 0, '', '');
// 363924477024846
It looks like json_decode has an option to treat big integers as strings.
json_decode($json, false, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING)
try casting it to a string
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