I am creating .docx
files from a template using PHPWord
. It works fine but now I want to convert the generated file to PDF
Try this:
// get the name of the input PDF
$inputFile = "C:\\PHP\\Test1.docx";
// get the name of the output MS-WORD file
$outputFile = "C:\\PHP\\Test1.pdf";
$oLoader = new COM("easyPDF.Loader.8");
$oPrinter = $oLoader->LoadObject("easyPDF.Printer.8");
$oPrintJob = $oPrinter->PrintJob;
$oPrintJob->PrintOut ($inputFile, $outputFile);
print "Success";
catch(com_exception $e)
Print "error code".$e->getcode(). "\n";
print $e->getMessage();
I used Gears/pdf to convert the docx file generated by phpword to PDF:
$success = Gears\Pdf::convert(
I don't think I'm correct.. You save the document as HTML content
$objWriter = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($phpWord, 'HTML');
After than you read the HTML file content and write the content as PDF file with the help of mPDF or tcPdf or fpdf.
You're trying to unlink the PDF file before saving it, and you have also to unlink the DOCX document, not the PDF one.
Try this.
$pdfWriter = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($wordPdf , 'PDF');