I am trying to compute a percentage in a MongoDB query based on computed fields - not sure if this is possible or not. What I\'d like to be able to do is calculate the fail
You almost got it. Only change that would be required is that you'll have to compute the FailPercent
in an additional project
phase, because the total is only available after the completion of the group
phase. Try this:
{ $match: { "data.buildResult" : { $ne : null } } },
{ $group: {
_id: {
month: { $month: "$time" },
day: { $dayOfMonth: "$time" },
year: { $year: "$time" },
Aborted: { $sum: { $cond : [{ $eq : ["$data.buildResult", "ABORTED"]}, 1, 0]} },
Failure: { $sum: { $cond : [{ $eq : ["$data.buildResult", "FAILURE"]}, 1, 0]} },
Unstable: { $sum: { $cond : [{ $eq : ["$data.buildResult", "UNSTABLE"]}, 1, 0]} },
Success: { $sum: { $cond : [{ $eq : ["$data.buildResult", "SUCCESS"]}, 1, 0]} },
Total: { $sum: 1 }
} },
{$project:{Aborted:1, Failure:1, Unstable:1, Success:1, Total:1, FailPercent: { $divide: [ "$Failure", "$Total" ]}}},
{ $sort: { "_id.year": 1, "_id.month": 1, "_id.day": 1 } }