Android SSO (Single sign-on) for app

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南笙 2021-01-01 18:39

Is there any free single-signon mechanism for Android that gracefully works with non-webapps? Say, something along the lines of...

  1. You launch my app and use

  • 2021-01-01 18:57

    Have you tried or think of using Firebase?

    It has some useful tools, you can sign-in with multiple social connectors and user/password as well, and they provide a library to integrate the whole UI and server flow, they even take advantage of google smart lock for you.

    Take a look at I used it in a personal project and saved me a lot of time.

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  • 2021-01-01 19:10

    What you described in Alternatively section looks like Authorization Code using Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) OAuth 2.0 grant

    The flow is the following:
    1. Your app generates a random key (code_verifier) and it's transformed value (code_challenge) and navigates to authorization server with code_challenge as a parameter
    2. Authorization server redirects back to your app with authorization code
    3. Your app sends authorization_code and the code_verifier to the auth server to get the authorization token
    4. Server uses authorization_code and the code_verifier (it already has code_challenge, so it can verify that code_verifier is correct) and then returns to your app with the token.

    On the practical side of it you can use something like Auth0 to implement it in your app.

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  • 2021-01-01 19:14

    Use Android Account Manager for SSO.

    Providing references below just for knowledge. You have to dig into account manager.
    Android developer:
    Blog with example:

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