I have a workbook that I would like to clear a range of values with using OpenPyXI. So far I have the following:
# Import OpenPyXl module.
from openpyxl impo
This one works for me:
from openpyxl.utils import cols_from_range, range_boundaries
def range_contains(range_1, range_2):
Evaluates if a range contains another.
range_1 (str): Range to contain
range_2 (str): Range to be contained
>>> range_contains('A1:F6', 'B2:D3')
>>> range_contains('B2:D3', 'A1:F6')
>>> range_contains('A1:F3', 'B2:D6')
>>> range_contains('A1:F3', 'A1:F3')
bound_1 = range_boundaries(range_1)
bound_2 = range_boundaries(range_2)
if bound_1[0] <= bound_2[0] and bound_1[1] <= bound_2[1] and bound_1[2] >= bound_2[2] and bound_1[3] >= bound_2[3]:
return True
return False
def delete_cells(worksheet, cell_range):
Removes cells from a worksheet (deletes value, conditional formatting, data validation and cell merging)
worksheet (Worksheet):
cell_range (str):
for column in cols_from_range(cell_range):
for cell_coordinates in column:
# Removing value
worksheet[cell_coordinates].value = None
# Removing style (applying the style of cell A1)
worksheet[cell_coordinates]._style = worksheet['A1']._style
# Removing conditionnal formatting
conditionnal_formattings = list(worksheet.conditional_formatting._cf_rules.keys())
for conditionnal_formatting in conditionnal_formattings:
ranges_to_keep = [x for x in conditionnal_formatting.cells.ranges
if not range_contains(cell_range, x.coord)]
if len(ranges_to_keep) != 0:
conditionnal_formatting.cells.ranges = conditionnal_formatting.sqref.ranges = ranges_to_keep
del worksheet.conditional_formatting._cf_rules[conditionnal_formatting]
# Removing data validation
for validation in worksheet.data_validations.dataValidation:
for validation_range in validation.cells.ranges:
if range_contains(cell_range, validation_range.coord):
# Remove merge cells
merge_cells_ranges = [x.coord for x in worksheet.merged_cells.ranges]
for merged_cells_range in merge_cells_ranges:
if range_contains(cell_range, merged_cells_range):
It seems that the library doesn't have a method to clear or set a range directly. So your best chance is probably to clear the value for each cell:
for row in ws['A1:G37']:
for cell in row:
cell.value = None
If you want to truncate (drop and recreate) a whole sheet, including styles, grid styles, everything else you can do it this way:
wb = load_workbook(filename = 'testing.xlsx')
sheet_name = 'AR Cutoff'
# index of [sheet_name] sheet
idx = wb.sheetnames.index(sheet_name)
# remove [sheet_name]
# old versions: wb.remove(writer.book.worksheets[idx])
# for new versions, tested with 3.0.3
ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
# create an empty sheet [sheet_name] using old index
wb.create_sheet(sheet_name, idx)
import openpyxl
book = openpyxl.load_workbook('sample.xlsx') #get the file name
sheet = book.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet') #get the sheet name
for a in sheet['A1':'A2']: #you can set the range here
for cell in a:
cell.value = None #set a value or null here
book.save('sample.xlsx') #you can save it after if you like