From the SQLAlchemy ORM Tutorial:
You can control the names using the label() construct for scalar attributes and aliased for class constructs:
or alias()
are used whenever you need to use the SELECT ... FROM my_table my_table_alias ...
construct in SQL, mostly when using the same table more than once in a query (self-joins, with or without extra tables). You also need to alias subqueries in certain cases.
There's an example in the documentation:
As @jd. said,mostly when using the same table more than once in a query. Example:
dict_code_type, dict_code_status = aliased(DictCode), aliased(DictCode)
query = Device.query \
.join(dict_code_type, dict_code_type.codeValue == Device.deviceType) \
.join(dict_code_status, dict_code_status.codeValue == Device.status) \
.with_entities(, Device.deviceName, Device.status,
Device.deviceID, Device.deviceUsername, Device.token,
dict_code_status.codeLabel.label('statusLabel'), Device.createAt, Device.authType) \
.filter(and_(dict_code_type.code == 'deviceType', dict_code_status.code == 'status'))