I\'m normally at home in C#, and I\'m looking at a performance issue in some VB.NET code -- I want to be able to compare something to the default value for a type (kind of l
This is not a complete solution, as your original C# code doesn't compile. You can use Nothing via a local variable:
Public Class GenericThing(Of T)
Public Sub Foo(id As T)
Dim defaultValue As T = Nothing
If id <> defaultValue Then
Console.WriteLine("Not default")
End If
End Function
End Class
That doesn't compile, in the same way that the C# version doesn't compile - you can't compare values of unconstrained type parameters like that.
You can use EqualityComparer(Of T)
though - and then you don't even need the local variable:
If Not EqualityComparer(Of T).Default.Equals(id, Nothing) Then
Unlike C#, VB.NET doesn't require a local variable to be initialized with an expression. It gets initialized to its default value by the runtime. Just what you need as a substitute for the default keyword:
Dim def As T2 '' Get the default value for T2
If id.Equals(def) Then
'' etc...
End If
Don't forget the comment, it is going to make somebody go 'Huh?' a year from now.
The problem in your code is the IsNot
operator, not the Nothing
keyword. From the docs:
The IsNot operator determines if two object references refer to different objects. However, it does not perform value comparisons.
You're trying to do a value comparison with a reference operator. Once you realize this, either Jon Skeet's or Hans Passant's answers become obvious solutions.