I need to implement something like my own file system. One operation would be the FindFirstFile. I need to check, if the caller passed something like ., sample*.cpp
It's "C++", but I've deliberately kept it almost completely C-compatible.
All you need to do in order to convert it to C is to remove the template
section and change Pattern
and Text
to something like char const *
// TEST THIS before use! I've only done limited testing.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
template<class Pattern, class Text>
bool wildcard(
Pattern const pat_begin, Pattern const pat_end,
Text text_begin, Text const text_end)
ptrdiff_t const pat_size = pat_end - pat_begin;
ptrdiff_t stackbuf[64];
size_t c = sizeof(stackbuf) / sizeof(*stackbuf);
ptrdiff_t *p = stackbuf;
size_t n = 0;
p[n++] = 0;
while (n > 0 && text_begin != text_end)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (p[i] == pat_size)
p[i--] = p[--n];
switch (*(pat_begin + p[i]))
case '?': ++p[i]; break;
case '*':
ptrdiff_t off;
off = p[i];
while (off < pat_size &&
*(pat_begin + off) == '*')
{ ++off; }
if (n == c)
ptrdiff_t const *const old = p;
c *= 2;
if (c == 0) { ++c; }
size_t const size = c * sizeof(*p);
p = (ptrdiff_t *)realloc(
old == stackbuf ? NULL : p,
if (old == stackbuf)
{ memcpy(p, old, n * sizeof(*old)); }
p[n++] = off;
if (*(pat_begin + p[i]) == *text_begin)
{ ++p[i]; }
else { p[i--] = p[--n]; }
bool success = false;
if (text_begin == text_end)
while (!success && n > 0)
while (p[n] != pat_size &&
*(pat_begin + p[n]) == '*')
{ ++p[n]; }
if (p[n] == pat_size)
{ success = true; }
if (p != stackbuf) { free(p); }
return success;
bool wildcard(char const *const pattern, char const *const text)
return wildcard(
pattern + (pattern ? strlen(pattern) : 0),
text + (text ? strlen(text) : 0));
bool wildcard(wchar_t const *const pattern, wchar_t const *const text)
return wildcard(
pattern + (pattern ? wcslen(pattern) : 0),
text + (text ? wcslen(text) : 0));
Of course, feel free to use the code in any way you want. :)