I have a function which would return a record with type my_table%ROWTYPE
, and in the caller, I could check if the returned record is null, but PL/SQL complains
As far as I know, it's not possible. Checking the PRIMARY KEY
column should be sufficient though.
You can check for v_record.row_id IS NULL
Your function would throw a NO_DATA_FOUND
exception though, when no record is found.
You can't test for the non-existence of this variable so there are two ways to go about it. Check for the existence of a single element. I don't like this as it means if anything changes your code no longer works. Instead why not just raise an exception when there's no data there:
I realise that the others
in the exception is highly naughty but it'll only really catch my table disappearing when it shouldn't and nothing else.
v_record my_table%ROWTYPE;
v_row_id my_table.row_id%TYPE := 123456;
v_record := myfunction(v_row_id)
exception when others then
-- do something
function myfunction(p_row_id in my_table.row_id%TYPE) return my_table%ROWTYPE is
v_record_out my_table%ROWTYPE := null;
cursor c_record_out(c_row_id char) is
select *
from my_table
where row_id = p_row_id;
open c_record_out(p_row_id);
fetch c_record_out into v_record_out;
if c_record_out%NOTFOUND then
raise_application_error(-20001,'no data);
end if;
close c_record_out;
return v_record_out;
end myfunction;