For example, I want to create the following query:
SELECT c.* FROM Coffees c WHERE IN (\'robusta\', \'arabica\')
My attempt failed:<
There is a library that (among other things) introduces a binder for list properties to Slick's SQL interpolator:
Example code from the page:
import util.NonEmpty
def findAll(entryIds: Option[NonEmpty[Long]]): Seq[Entry] = entryIds match {
case Some(ids) => run { sql"""
| SELECT * FROM ${table}
| WHERE entry_id IN $ids
""".as[Entry] }
case None => Seq.empty
The type safe "lifted embedding" API supports this as well:
val ids = List(1,2,3)
val q = for {
f <- Foo if inSet ids // ids is not bound
Although it's not safe for SQL injection, you can use #$
val ids = idList.mkString("'", "','", "'")
val q = sql"""select name from mytable where id in (#$ids)"""
I don't see anything out of the box to handle this. You're best bet is probably something like this:
val cnames = List("robusta", "arabica").mkString("'", "','", "'")
val query = sql""" SELECT c.* FROM Coffees c WHERE IN (${cnames}) """