I\'m trying to write a function to present thousands and millions into K\'s and M\'s For instance:
1000 = 1k
1100 = 1.1k
15000 = 15k
115000 = 115k
1000000 =
The extension below does the following-
decimals).Will format thousands upto 9999 in currency format i.e. with a comma like 9,999
extension Double {
var kmFormatted: String {
if self >= 10000, self <= 999999 {
return String(format: "%.1fK", locale: Locale.current,self/1000).replacingOccurrences(of: ".0", with: "")
if self > 999999 {
return String(format: "%.1fM", locale: Locale.current,self/1000000).replacingOccurrences(of: ".0", with: "")
return String(format: "%.0f", locale: Locale.current,self)
let num: Double = 1000001.00 //this should be a Double since the extension is on Double
let millionStr = num.kmFormatted
Prints 1M
And here it is in action-
func formatPoints(num: Double) ->String{
let thousandNum = num/1000
let millionNum = num/1000000
if num >= 1000 && num < 1000000{
if(floor(thousandNum) == thousandNum){
if num > 1000000{
if(floor(millionNum) == millionNum){
return ("\(millionNum.roundToPlaces(1))M")
if(floor(num) == num){
return ("\(Int(num))")
return ("\(num)")
extension Double {
/// Rounds the double to decimal places value
func roundToPlaces(places:Int) -> Double {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(places))
return round(self * divisor) / divisor
The updated code should now not return a .0 if the number is whole. Should now output 1k instead of 1.0k for example. I just checked essentially if double and its floor were the same.
I found the double extension in this question: Rounding a double value to x number of decimal places in swift
Based on the solution from @qlear.
I've noticed that if the number was exactly 1000000, it would return 1000000 unformatted.
So I've added that into the function. I also included negative values.. since not everyone is always making a profit!
func formatPoints(num: Double) ->String{
let thousandNum = num/1000
let millionNum = num/1000000
if num > 0
if num >= 1000 && num < 1000000{
if(floor(thousandNum) == thousandNum){
return("\(round1(thousandNum, toNearest: 0.01))k")
if num > 1000000{
if(floor(millionNum) == millionNum){
return ("\(round1(millionNum, toNearest: 0.01))M")
else if num == 1000000
return ("\(round1(millionNum, toNearest: 0.01))M")
if(floor(num) == num){
return ("\(Int(num))")
return ("\(round1(num, toNearest: 0.01))")
if num <= -1000 && num > -1000000{
if(floor(thousandNum) == thousandNum){
return("\(round1(thousandNum, toNearest: 0.01))k")
if num < -1000000{
if(floor(millionNum) == millionNum){
return ("\(round1(millionNum, toNearest: 0.01))M")
else if num == -1000000
return ("\(round1(millionNum, toNearest: 0.01))M")
if(floor(num) == num){
return ("\(Int(num))")
return ("\(round1(num, toNearest: 0.01))")
And the number extension of course:
extension Double {
/// Rounds the double to decimal places value
func round1(_ value: Double, toNearest: Double) -> Double {
return Darwin.round(value / toNearest) * toNearest
Since we all more or less disagree
func FormatFriendly(num: Double) ->String {
var thousandNum = num/1000
var millionNum = num/1000000
if num >= 1000 && num < 1000000{
if(floor(thousandNum) == thousandNum){
return("\(Int(thousandNum))K").replacingOccurrences(of: ".0", with: "")
return("\(thousandNum.roundToPlaces(places: 1))K").replacingOccurrences(of: ".0", with: "")
if num >= 1000000{
//if(floor(millionNum) == millionNum){
//return("\(Int(thousandNum))K").replacingOccurrences(of: ".0", with: "")
return ("\(millionNum.roundToPlaces(places: 1))M").replacingOccurrences(of: ".0", with: "")
}else {
if(floor(num) == num){
return ("\(Int(num))")
return ("\(num)")
extension Double {
/// Rounds the double to decimal places value
mutating func roundToPlaces(places: Int) -> Double {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(places))
return Darwin.round(self * divisor) / divisor
I have converted @AnBisw's answer to use switch
(build time friendly):
extension Double {
var kmFormatted: String {
switch self {
case ..<1_000:
return String(format: "%.0f", locale: Locale.current, self)
case 1_000 ..< 999_999:
return String(format: "%.1fK", locale: Locale.current, self / 1_000).replacingOccurrences(of: ".0", with: "")
return String(format: "%.1fM", locale: Locale.current, self / 1_000_000).replacingOccurrences(of: ".0", with: "")
To add to the answers, here's a Swift 4.X version of this using a loop to easily add/remove units if necessary:
extension Double {
var shortStringRepresentation: String {
if self.isNaN {
return "NaN"
if self.isInfinite {
return "\(self < 0.0 ? "-" : "+")Infinity"
let units = ["", "k", "M"]
var interval = self
var i = 0
while i < units.count - 1 {
if abs(interval) < 1000.0 {
i += 1
interval /= 1000.0
// + 2 to have one digit after the comma, + 1 to not have any.
// Remove the * and the number of digits argument to display all the digits after the comma.
return "\(String(format: "%0.*g", Int(log10(abs(interval))) + 2, interval))\(units[i])"
$ [1.5, 15, 1000, 1470, 1000000, 1530000, 1791200000].map { $0.shortStringRepresentation }
[String] = 7 values {
[0] = "1.5"
[1] = "15"
[2] = "1k"
[3] = "1.5k"
[4] = "1M"
[5] = "1.5M"
[6] = "1791.2M"