error when installing some package but its actualy existing example django-ajax-filtered-fields==0.5
Downloading/unpacking django-aja
Proxy Settings
Still unsure if my issue has the same cause as with the OP, but one error message was the same:
Cannot fetch index base URL
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement Django
No distributions at all found for Django
Talking to a colleague exposed it was a site-security-based issue. The following commands were required:
set https_proxy=*https proxy*
set http_proxy=*http proxy*
pip install Django
where *https proxy*
and *http proxy*
are appropriate URLs-with-ports for our site.
Downloading/unpacking Django
Installing collected packages: Django
Successfully installed Django
Cleaning up...
Lots of solutions to this, most effectively coming down to update PIP. On MacOS (Sierra), This was my solution:
in ~/.bash_login
(new one added by installer)pip3 install packagename
(no sudo)After that I was still prompted to update pip and did so: pip3 install --upgrade pip
Try upgrading pip. Version 7.1.2 does not have this issue.
easy_install pip==7.1.2