I am trying to install awsebcli on my machine and I am unable to run the command
eb --version
It shows this error:
\'eb\' is not
This worked for me:
sudo -H pip3 install awsebcli --upgrade --ignore-installed six
I figured out the issue. It looks like I needed to add this to my environment variables:
Even though it had the other C:\Users\amirs\
... path as well.
This PATH worked for me...
C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI
I had the exact same issue. It worked for me when I added:
However, if it is still not working, you should check the specific name of the maps since it is not the same in \Roaming as in \Local
In \Local it was named Python38-32, and in \Roaming
it was named Python38.
If you are here and it is still not working you need (this possibly is since the new update)... you need to add the following in your Windows Environment variable path:
If you happened to be using Conda for your Python installation, then you might have to add the following path for Elastic Beanstalk to work: