How can I round a decimal number in Javascript to the nearest 10? My math is pretty rubbish today, it could be the 2 hour sleep :/
Some sample cases
Math.round(val / 10) * 10;
10 * Math.round(val / 10)
Use this function:
function roundTen(number)
return Math.round(number/10)*10;
To round a number to the nearest 10, first divide it by 10, then round it to the nearest 1, then multiply it by 10 again:
val = Math.round(val/10)*10;
This page has some details. They go the other way (e.g., rounding to the nearest 0.01) but the theory and practice are identical - multiply (or divide), round, then divide (or multiply).
function round(number, multiplier) {
multiplier = multiplier || 1;
return Math.round(number / multiplier) * multiplier;
var num1 = 2823.66;
var num2 = 142.11;
var num3 = 9.49;
"%s\n%s\n%s", // just a formating thing
round(num1, 10), // 2820
round(num2, 10), // 140
round(num3, 10) // 10