I am using Hibernate and Spring for my web application.
In database operation, Hibernate is caching entities and returning them in next request without reading the a
Please call EntityManger.clear() method, and then call repository.find() or repository.findOne() as per your requirement to select the updated data from database.
@PersistentContext EntityManager em;
@Autowired EntityReporisitory rep;
public void method(){
em.clear();// This line will clear the current value of entity
Entity e = rep.find(example);// In this line data will be loaded freshly from DB
Call refresh entity session.refresh(entity)
Open new session then call session2.get(EntityClass.class,id)
it will pull the entity from the database
Session session2=sessionFactory.openSession();
EntityClass entity=(EntityClass) session2.get(EntityClass.class, id);
or entityManager.refresh(entity)
(if you use JPA) will give you fresh data from DB.
Do the read within a new transaction.
For example:
MyDTO myDTO = fetchMyDTOById(daoId);
@Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
private MyDTO fetchMyDTOById(Long dtoId) {
return repository.findById(dtoId);