I\'m currently working on porting an app to UWP. The app has a page with a \"Write to NFC\" button. After the user taps it, it waits for an NFC tag and writes a Launch
Here is a way :
Program the backgroundtask to activate when tapped with a NFC tag and then launch the app suing URI schemes
// Set the recommended app
var options = new Windows.System.LauncherOptions();
options.PreferredApplicationPackageFamilyName= "Contoso.URIApp_8wknc82po1e";
options.PreferredApplicationDisplayName = "Contoso URI Ap";
// Launch the URI and pass in the recommended app
// in case the user has no apps installed to handle the URI
var success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uriContoso, options);
Windows 10 Mobile UWP
If you are only targeting Windows 10 Mobile, the 8.1 way still works, given that you get the right App ID. It can be retrieved through:
However, that only works when the app is installed through the store, as the ID is assigned during store association / publishing. In developer deployed builds, the API will crash through with "Exception from HRESULT: 0x803F6107".
The resulting LaunchApp record then needs the platform "WindowsPhone" and that app ID. The following code creates a LaunchApp tag through the open source NFC / NDEF library (https://github.com/andijakl/ndef-nfc) and works on Windows 10 Mobile - both for writing the tag and for launching the app. Again - given it has been published & installed through the store:
var record = new NdefLaunchAppRecord { Arguments = "Hello World" };
var appId = Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp.AppId; // Note: crashes when app is not installed through app store!
record.AddPlatformAppId("WindowsPhone", appId);
var message = new NdefMessage { record };
proximityDevice.PublishBinaryMessage("NDEF:WriteTag", msgArray.AsBuffer(), MessageWrittenHandler);
Windows 10 PC
Unfortunately, things are different for PCs. The method above does not work there, neither does the documented method for Windows 8.1.
The closest I could get so far is to get Windows 10 to recognize the LaunchApp tag and to open the store on the correct page. But Windows / the store does not realize that the app is already installed and therefore does not open it.
This is the code, again using the NFC / NDEF library:
var record = new NdefLaunchAppRecord { Arguments = "Hello World" };
var familyName = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.Id.FamilyName;
var appId = Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp.AppId; // Note: crashes when app is not installed through app store!
record.AddPlatformAppId("Windows", "{" + familyName + "!" + appId + "}");
var message = new NdefMessage { record };
proximityDevice.PublishBinaryMessage("NDEF:WriteTag", msgArray.AsBuffer(), MessageWrittenHandler);
Of course, you can also combine the two platform IDs to a single NFC tag, given that you have enough writable memory, as those app IDs are huge.
If you have a WP8.1 app and running this app on Windows Phone 10 and want to write NFC tags on your phone you have to retrieve the AppId
. This is done by opening the Windows Dev Center open the corresponding app, click App Management
and then App identity
. Then under the point URL for Windows Phone 8.1 and earlier
copy the GUID
and replace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp.AppId