After updating to the latest build of Xcode 7.3 (7D175), every time I try to Export for adhoc distribution I get the above error. Everything was working fine up until the up
Just need to add prefix in your app id
it should be in your Bundle identifier in info.plist
So No need to change XC or anything from your dev portal
Just change the name of old bundle identifier and it works.
I can see lot's of great answers,
I tried a few of them but no luck, finally I used "Use local signing assets" option to export ipa and it works for me.
Hopefully this will help someone.
I was getting this error using Xcode 7.3.1. The cause was using the wrong "Team" on the General tab of the main target. I had my company's Team, and my own AppleID that was a "Free" personal account. After I switched to my company's Team, the error went away.
I encountered the same problem, I solved it. Validate required appstore certificate. Adhoc and Validate require different certificate.
I just installed Xcode 7.2.1 and could successfully export AdHoc build with it. While Xcode 7.3 keeps on telling that there is something wrong with bundle identifier.
Looks like changing the "Name" (not the ID) of App ID in developer portal under "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" to the next format "XC com mycompany appname" (in case your app ID was com.mycompany.appname) helps Xcode see your appID. Strange but it's working.