I have following struct:
public protocol SuperModel {
// empty protocol
struct ModelOne: SuperModel {
struct SubModelOne {
var someVar: Dou
When you apply type casting to value types (such structs), if succeed, you receive immutable copy of requested value:
(self.data as! ModelOne) // this is copy of data
The only way (as known to me) how you can mutate values that need to be casted - reassign value (as @Sahil Beri pointed you need declare variable):
func someFunc() {
if var data = data as? ModelOne {
data.setSub(ModelOne.SubModelOne(someVar: 2, otherVar: 1))
self.data = data // you can do this since ModelOne conforms to SuperModel
Problem is that you have declared data
as SuperModel
but allocate it as ModelOne
. Declare data
as ModelOne
. Then the problem goes away.
final class SomeClass: SuperClass {
var data: ModelOne
init() {
self.data = ModelOne()
func someFunc() {
(self.data).setSub(ModelOne.SubModelOne(someVar: 2, otherVar: 1))
First downcast the self.data to ModelOne then call setSub function
if var data = self.data as? ModelOne {
data.setSub(ModelOne.SubModelOne(someVar: 2, othervar: 1))
Use like this,
struct UserAttributes {
var name:String?
var organizationID:String?
var email:String?
mutating func parseUserAttributes(attribues:[AWSCognitoIdentityProviderAttributeType])->UserAttributes{
for type in attribues{
if type.name == "name"{
name = type.value
}else if(type.name == "family_name"){
organizationID = type.value
}else if(type.name == "custom:role_id"){
role = type.value
}else if(type.name == "email"){
email = type.value
In some other file call like this,
var userAttributes = UserAttributes()
userAttributes = userAttributes.parseUserAttributes(attribues:attributes)
In Swift 3, in my case, I was able to resolve the error just by changing struct
to a class
@Shadow of is right. You try to mutate a temporary structure which is impossible and most of the time useless as it will be released once the mutation done. It's in fact a similar issue to trying to modify the return struct of a function. (see answer here : Cannot assign to property: function call returns immutable value)