I\'m wondering if it\'s possible to have a ng-class with class one time binded and class which are evaluated each digest cycle.
Method 1:
class="some-class {{::expression ? 'my-class' : ''}}"
Method 2:
ng-class="::{'my-class': expression}"
One way I can think of doing this (if I followed what you were trying to say) is as follows...
color: blue;
text-decoration: underline;
text-decoration: line-through;
<div ng-app ng-controller="myCtrl">
<p ng-class="{'blue': isMonkey()}" class="{{isUnicorn() ? dynamicClass: ''}}">My Text</p>
<button ng-click="monkey = !monkey">Monkey</button>
<button ng-click="unicorn = !unicorn">Unicorn</button>
<button ng-click="toggleClass()">Toggle</button>
function myCtrl($scope) {
$scope.dynamicClass = "underline";
$scope.monkey = true;
$scope.unicorn = true;
$scope.isMonkey = function () {
return $scope.monkey;
$scope.isUnicorn = function () {
return $scope.unicorn;
$scope.toggleClass = function(){
$scope.dynamicClass = $scope.dynamicClass === "underline"? "lineThrough": "underline";
An important part of one time binding is that it not be bound until the 'expression' is not undefined. The best answer so far, by @ifadey, his Method 1 evaluates to an empty string when 'expression' is undefined, which get's bound. This is contrary to the expected feature behavior. Method 2 is equally unhelpful in this late binding scenario.
Do do this correctly, directly answering op's question:
class="some-class {{::expression ? 'one-time-class' : undefined}}"
ng-class="{ 'my-dynamic-class' : expression2 }"
or the more technically correct but ugly:
class="some-class {{::expression ? 'one-time-class' : (expression===undefined ? undefined : '')}}"