why is the following code showing undefined
? Are we not allowed to create an array with a single value? Putting two values won\'t show this error. Is this a pro
You can create an Array with a value using Array.of
let arr = Array.of(8)
by new Array(21) you're actually creating an array with 21 elements in it.
If you want to create an array with single value '21', then it's:
var tech = [21];
new Array(21)
creates an array with a length of 21. If you want to create a single-value array, consisting of a number, use square brackets, [21]
var tech = [ 21 ];
If you want to dynamically fill an array, use the .push
var filler = [];
for(var i=0; i<5; i++){
filler.push(i); //Example, pushing 5 integers in an array
//Filler is now equivalent to: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
When the Array constructor receives one parameter p
, which is a positive number, an array will be created, consisting of p elements. This feature is can be used to repeat strings, for example:
var repeat = new Array(10);
repeat = repeat.join("To repeat"); //Repeat the string 9x
guys the answer was as simple as this:
var tech = new Array();
can use push or use brackets notation , passing single value is like initialize length
var tech = new Array();
var tech = new Array(5);
console.log(tech.length); // length = 5
tech.push(10); // will add as a 6th element i.e. a[5]
console.log(tech.length); // length = 6
console.log(tech[0]); // undefined
console.log(tech[5]); // 10
or the easy way
var tech = [10];
Here is my solution.
var tech = new Array(); //create an empty array
tech.push(21); //Append items to the array
console.log(tech); // console array the array
Be careful to avoid this;
var array = new Array(n)
, this creates an empty array of length n, then if you push; you will simply append the new item to the end of the array and the new array length will be n+1
and your new array will look like this array = [Empty*21,new item ]