I am currently using Apache POI for Java to set formulas in cells.
But after I run the program and open the Excel file that I created and processed, the cells with t
The below code worked fine for me, hope this could be useful to someone.
Here is one suggested way:
Workbook workbook1 = new SXSSFWorkbook(-1);
Sheet newSheet = workbook1.createSheet("Valuations");
Row newRow = newSheet.createRow(i-1);
newRow.createCell(L++).setCellFormula("AVERAGE(" + "E" + i + ":" + "G" + i + ")");
Where E and G are the columns like A1,B1,C1....E1...G1
and i represent a number in the above Column.
L++ is simply an incremental counter.
You could use this to evaluate the formulas in the workbook:
// Evaluate all formulas in the sheet, to update their value
FormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
Cell Constants are deprecated and will be removed from version 4.0 instead of Cell Use
String formula= "SUM(B4:B20)";
Apache POI does not support user-defined functions.
From the documentation:
Note that user-defined functions are not supported, and is not likely to done any time soon... at least, not till there is a VB implementation in Java!
The HSSFCell
object has methods .setCellType
and .setCellFormula
which you need to call like this:
// "cell" object previously created or looked up
String strFormula= "SUM(A1:A10)";