I wouldn't. If your private methods need documentation it may be worth be spending time making your code cleaner in this area.
Edit: even with a summary I would not document. Private methods can change, sprout anew, disappear. One of the basic tenets of OO is one of encapsulation. You don't need to know what a private method is doing. And as for developers, who is going to keep up to date all this documentation? First time you but in future?
Edit 2: From comments
I strongly disagree. The only time a private method shouldn't be documented (in some way) is when its purpose is completely obvious from its name and its source code. If there is anything "clever" about your code at all, it deserves a comment explaining why you're doing it that way.
I strongly agree but..
code shouldn't be 'clever', code should be functional and readable. Most of the time you should aim for your code to be as transparent as possible to the reader, if you need to comment it, then you should look at making your code clearer before you hit javadoc (or whatever you use).
Edit 3:
What would you much rather see.?
* This method doesn't do what you expect it to.
* Below you will find a whole ream of impenetrable
* code. Where there are bits that look that they do x, they don't
* they do y.
private void someComplexInternalMethod()
badly named variables
comments to describe intent
perhaps some out of date orphaned comments
as code has been removed but comment remains
looong methods
private void WellNamedMethod()
well named variables
shorter method, highly cohesive
self documenting