The latest version of VS Code installed a few days ago (the October 2017 update) keeps adding all kinds of strange import statements to the top of the .ts code file.
You can disable it by adding this line to your user or workspace settings (File>Preferences>Settings
, or Code>Preferences>Settings
"typescript.autoImportSuggestions.enabled": false
As of August 2018 (1.25), the accepted answer doesn't always work.
Instead, add this line to your folder-specific setting.
{ "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "relative" }
Don't figure what's going on here, but those automatic path changes never happen in my environment.
For those using React/JavaScript you have to edit this setting in File > Preferences > Settings:
"javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "never",
Updated for new version of VSCode 2019 for using the UI to modify the setting.
So choose the File > Preference > Setting then search auto
in the Workspace secton. Find the Javascrtip or Typescript with highlight word auto import
then check or uncheck for enable / disalbe this function.
Here is the picture for reference.
"typescript.suggest.autoImports": false
"javascript.suggest.autoImports": false
Fresh VS Code version. February 2019