I\'m verifying with mockito that a method has been called. The method:
public void createButtons(final List
One way is to use a Captor
ArgumentCaptor<List> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(List.class);
assertEquals(x, captor.getValue().size()); // or if expecting multiple lists:
assertEquals(x, captor.getValues().size());
See http://docs.mockito.googlecode.com/hg/org/mockito/Mockito.html#15 for the documentation.
You could also use a custom argument matcher. The documentation shows an example that does exactly what you want:
class IsListOfTwoElements extends ArgumentMatcher<List> {
public boolean matches(Object list) {
return ((List) list).size() == 2;
List mock = mock(List.class);
when(mock.addAll(argThat(new IsListOfTwoElements()))).thenReturn(true);
mock.addAll(Arrays.asList("one", "two"));
verify(mock).addAll(argThat(new IsListOfTwoElements()));
You could, for instance, also add a constructor so you can specify list size desired, etc.
With Mockito 3.x (and 2.x possibly too) you can use Java 8 lambda expressions:
verify(mock).createButtons(argThat(list -> list.size() == 5));
To check emptiness it is even easier:
Here is the working example for me:
List<Object> objects = mock(List.class);
Hamcrest provides a simpler way.