I found a little script that will export information to an xls file, but I can\'t seem to get it working. The original code is found here: http://www.appservnetwork.com/modu
I think if you client are using Office 2007, you have better to look into the Open Document.
there is an implementation in php there. Also the Excel 2007 viewer is free so.
If the actual information is strings, this won't work. Pack("d" is trying to cast it as a Double instead of a String.
You need to create a xlsWriteString function.
Looks like there's one here: http://hunter.forumotion.com/forum-f9/topic-t98.htm
function xlsWriteString( $Row , $Col , $Value )
$L = strlen( $Value );
echo pack( "ssssss" , 0x204 , 8 + $L , $Row , $Col , 0x0 , $L );
echo $Value;