It is taking me more than 3 days for instagram to review my app.
I submitted my app on tuesday. And it is now friday.
How long am I expected to wait?
<Facebook and Instagram made major changes to their APIs in an effort to protect your data and privacy.
As per Instagram Help Center :-
Starting October 1st, only submissions for basic permissions on the existing Instagram API will be reviewed. We will not be accepting submissions for public_content, follower_list, comments, relationship, or likes permission scopes. Developers are encouraged to build on the new Instagram Graph API.
So if you are using any of the above mentioned permissions, your app will keep showing REVIEW STATUS :Pending Review forever.
The new Instagram Graph API
Here is link with all the details you might want to know.
My apps are recently approved. Looks like it took them ~ 4 months
Instagram & facebook paused reviewing for new apps for time being, here goes their official statement on the same matter.
Pause app review:
We paused app review last week while we implement new changes to our platform.