This Code here is a normal Java application not an android application, this is designed to send C2DM messages to a device with YOUR_REGISTRATION_STRING as the developer wit
The content length is set automatically. You can't set it yourself directly. You can however pass the correct length when setting fixed length streaming mode.
Instead of setting Content-Length in the request property, use setFixedLengthStreamingMode(postData.length);
According to the source for HttpUrlConnection , Content-Length is a "restricted header":
146 /*
147 * Restrict setting of request headers through the public api
148 * consistent with JavaScript XMLHttpRequest2 with a few
149 * exceptions. Disallowed headers are silently ignored for
150 * backwards compatibility reasons rather than throwing a
151 * SecurityException. For example, some applets set the
152 * Host header since old JREs did not implement HTTP 1.1.
153 * Additionally, any header starting with Sec- is
154 * disallowed.
155 *
156 * The following headers are allowed for historical reasons:
157 *
158 * Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Cookie, Cookie2, Date,
159 * Referer, TE, User-Agent, headers beginning with Proxy-.
160 *
161 * The following headers are allowed in a limited form:
162 *
163 * Connection: close
164 *
165 * See
166 */
167 private static final boolean allowRestrictedHeaders;
168 private static final Set<String> restrictedHeaderSet;
169 private static final String[] restrictedHeaders = {
170 /* Restricted by XMLHttpRequest2 */
171 //"Accept-Charset",
172 //"Accept-Encoding",
173 "Access-Control-Request-Headers",
174 "Access-Control-Request-Method",
175 "Connection", /* close is allowed */
176 "Content-Length",
177 //"Cookie",
178 //"Cookie2",
179 "Content-Transfer-Encoding",
180 //"Date",
181 //"Expect",
182 "Host",
183 "Keep-Alive",
184 "Origin",
185 // "Referer",
186 // "TE",
187 "Trailer",
188 "Transfer-Encoding",
189 "Upgrade",
190 //"User-Agent",
191 "Via"
192 };
So, setting Content-Length will be silently ignored.
Authorization is blocked from being returned for security purposes:
249 // the following http request headers should NOT have their values
250 // returned for security reasons.
251 private static final String[] EXCLUDE_HEADERS = {
252 "Proxy-Authorization",
253 "Authorization"
254 };
256 // also exclude system cookies when any might be set
257 private static final String[] EXCLUDE_HEADERS2= {
258 "Proxy-Authorization",
259 "Authorization",
260 "Cookie",
261 "Cookie2"
262 };
So even if you set the authorization header, you won't get it back when you query the headers.