I\'m generating some (non-html) documentation for a Lua library that I developed. I will generate the documentation by hand, but I\'d appreciate some kind of automation if p
Take a look at the luadoc utility. It is sort of like Doxygen, but for Lua. It is intended to allow the documentation to be written in-line with the source code, but it could certainly be used to produce a template of the documentation structure to be fleshed out separately. Of course, the template mechanism will leave you with a maintenance issue down the road...
Take a look at debug.getinfo, but you probably need a parser for this task. I don't know of any way to fetch the parameters of a function from within Lua without actually running the function and inspecting its environment table (see debug.debug and debug.getlocal).
ok,here is the core code:
function getArgs(fun)
local args = {}
local hook = debug.gethook()
local argHook = function( ... )
local info = debug.getinfo(3)
if 'pcall' ~= info.name then return end
for i = 1, math.huge do
local name, value = debug.getlocal(2, i)
if '(*temporary)' == name then
debug.sethook(argHook, "c")
return args
and you can use like this:
Try my bytecode inspector library. In Lua 5.2 you'll be able to use debug.getlocal