I\'ve been reading up a lot on stuct.pack and hex and the like.
I am trying to convert a decimal to hexidecimal with 2-bytes. Reverse the hex bit order, then convert
>>> x = 36895
>>> ((x << 8) | (x >> 8)) & 0xFFFF
>>> hex(x)
>>> struct.unpack('<H',struct.pack('>H',x))[0]
>>> hex(8080)
My approach
import binascii
n = 36895
reversed_hex = format(n, 'x').decode('hex')[::-1]
h = binascii.hexlify(reversed_hex)
print int(h, 16)
or one line
print int(hex(36895)[2:].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16)
print int(format(36895, 'x').decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16)
print int(binascii.hexlify(format(36895, 'x').decode('hex')[::-1]), 16)
or with bytearray
import binascii
n = 36895
b = bytearray.fromhex(format(n, 'x'))
print int(binascii.hexlify(b), 16)
Keep in mind that 'hex'(base 16 0-9 and a-f) and 'decimal'(0-9) are just constructs for humans to represent numbers. It's all bits to the machine.
The python hex(int) function produces a hex 'string' . If you want to convert it back to decimal:
>>> x = 36895
>>> s = hex(x)
>>> s
>>> int(s, 16) # interpret s as a base-16 number
Print formatting also works with strings.
# Get the hex digits, without the leading '0x'
hex_str = '%04X' % (36895)
# Reverse the bytes using string slices.
# hex_str[2:4] is, oddly, characters 2 to 3.
# hex_str[0:2] is characters 0 to 1.
str_to_convert = hex_str[2:4] + hex_str[0:2]
# Read back the number in base 16 (hex)
reversed = int(str_to_convert, 16)
print(reversed) # 8080!
To convert from decimal to hex, use:
dec = 255
print hex(dec)[2:-1]
That will output the hex value for 255. To convert back to decimal, use
hex = 1F90
print int(hex, 16)
That would output the decimal value for 1F90.
You should be able to reverse the bytes using:
hex = "901F"
hexbyte1 = hex[0] + hex[1]
hexbyte2 = hex[2] + hex[3]
newhex = hexbyte2 + hexbyte1
print newhex
and this would output 1F90. Hope this helps!