I\'m using the Symfony 1.4 mailer where I build the various bits needed for an email and then send it out using:
How about just using the native method availible inside sfAction.
$this->getPartial('partial_name'); which works like the partial helpers for you templates.
I store the email bodies as a template file and render them via sfPartialView. E.g. inside an action:
$view = new sfPartialView($this->getContext(), $this->getModuleName(), $this->getActionName(), 'confirmation_mail');
// values can be set e.g. by setAttibute
$view->setAttribute('name', $name);
$body = $view->render()
The body templates are located in the module's template folder, but I am sure you can somehow change this and e.g. put all email templates into one folder if you want to.