Load JSON in AngularJS App (loading google spreadsheet)

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-01 05:25

I am trying to load up a Google spreadsheet in my application, but I am not managing to make it work. I\'ve tried different ways of accessing the tree structure (via the con

  • 2021-01-01 06:13

    Here is a new working plunker. The problem was that it can't find the "yo" variable anymore.

    var parse = function(entry) {
      var category = entry['gsx$category']['$t'];
      var description = entry['gsx$description']['$t'];
      var title = entry['gsx$title']['$t'];
      return {
        category: category,
        description: description,
        title: title,
        url: url


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  • 2021-01-01 06:15

    created a working plunkr for you


    But here's also the meat of the solution:

    app.controller('SuperCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope,$http) {
        var url = 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/1lZWwacSVxTD_ciOsuNsrzeMTNAl0Dj8SOrbaMqPKM7U/od6/public/values?alt=json'
        var parse = function(entry) {
          var category = entry['gsx$category']['$t'];
          var description = entry['gsx$description']['$t'];
          var title = entry['gsx$title']['$t'];
          var url = entry['gsx$url']['$t'];
          var yo = entry['gsx$yo']['$t'];
          return {
            category: category,
            description: description,
            title: title,
            url: url,
            yo: yo
        .success(function(response) {
          var entries = response['feed']['entry'];
          $scope.parsedEntries = [];
          for (key in entries) {
            var content = entries[key];

    First problem you were using the 'json in script' version of the API which is complicated and not what you want. Changed the API result to just be JSON.

    Second problem is parsing the result, see my function there that converts the confusing google spreadsheet entries into nice readable JSON.

    The example works - have a tinker. My advice is find something other than google spreadsheets to store your data.

    It's funny, I actually built an app on top of google spreadsheets too (trackerkeeper.co), which is why I could help you. Not super proud of the engineering but it was kind of fun:

    Good luck.

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