Prior to today, I used the following URL to get the Facebook share/like/comment count of a URL:
Looks like a bug in fb-api.
My solution:
receive the number of shares/comments as you describe in your question with{id},share&id=
save shares/comments count
save fb object-id of url
get likes count with (max limit is 1000, then you can use paging):
UPD 2016-08-22
I found a solution that allows you to get the number of likes/reposts/comments in one step:{likes.limit(0).summary(true)},share&ids=,
It is not currently possible. Facebook is adding likes/shares/comments for URLs and returning them as shared_count. Not possible to return correct number of individual likes/shares/comments, and that is not clear in the Graph API documentation. Not clear if it is a bug or a documentation error.
The old Rest API that provided this data was turned off on the 18th August.
There is a comment from a Facebook engineer explaining this in reply to a bug report, in the answer to this Stack Overflow question: Getting Facebook Share, Like and Comment Counts for a Given URL with API Graph v2.6
You can also subscribe to this bug report at Facebook, but is a bit old with still no solution: