I am facing some issues with non-Ascii chars in C++. I have one file containg non-ascii chars which I am reading in C++ via file Handling. After reading the file(say 1.txt)
At least if I understand what you're after, I'd do something like this:
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
std::string to_hex(char ch) {
std::ostringstream b;
b << "\\x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::setprecision(2)
<< std::hex << static_cast<unsigned int>(ch & 0xff);
return b.str();
int main(){
// for test purposes, we'll use a stringstream for input
std::stringstream infile("normal stuff. weird stuff:\x01\xee:back to normal");
infile << std::noskipws;
// copy input to output, converting non-ASCII to hex:
[](char ch) {
return (ch >= ' ') && (ch < 127) ?
std::string(1, ch) :
Sounds to me like a utf8 issue. Since you didn't tag your question with c++11 Here Is an excelent article on unicode and c++ streams.
From your updated code, let me explain what is happening. You create a file stream to read your file. Internally the file stream only recognizes chars
, until you tell it otherwise. A char
, on most machines, can only hold 8 bits of data, but the characters in your file are using more than 8 bits. To be able to read your file correctly, you NEED to know how it is encoded. The most common encoding is UTF-8, which uses between 1 and 4 chars
for each character.
Once you know your encoding, you can either use wifstream (for UTF-16) or imbue()
a locale for other encodings.
Update: If your file is ISO-88591 (from your comment above), try this.
wifstream myReadFile;