I\'m having a problem with web scrapping in NodeJS, i want to take some data from the remote webpage but the data is inserted into html from the javascript. I started to use
There are several measures you can take to decrease processing time.
1 . Get a more powerful server/computer (as Mathieu rightly noted).
Yes, you could argue this is irrelevant to the question, but in matters of scraping it very much is. On a budget $8 VPS without optimization your initial script ran for 9589ms
which is already a ~30% improvement.
2 . Turn off images load. It will help... a bit. 8160ms
load time.
page.settings.loadImages = false;
3 . Analyze the page, find and cancel unnecessary network requests.
Even in a normal browser like Google Chrome the site loads slowly: 129 requests/8.79s load time with AdblockPlus. There are a lot of requests (gif, 1Mb), many if them are for third-party sites like facebook, twitter (to fetch widgets) and to ad sites.
We can cancel them too:
block_urls = ['gstatic.com', 'adocean.pl', 'gemius.pl', 'twitter.com', 'facebook.net', 'facebook.com', 'planplus.rs'];
page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request){
for(url in block_urls) {
if(requestData.url.indexOf(block_urls[url]) !== -1) {
console.log(requestData.url + " aborted");
The load time for me now is just 4393ms
while the page is loaded and usable: PhantomJS screenshot
I don't think much more can be done without tinkering with page's code because judging by the page source it is quite script-heavy.
The whole code:
var page = require('webpage').create();
var fs = require("fs");
// console.time polyfill from https://github.com/callmehiphop/console-time
;(function( console ) {
var timers;
if ( !console ) {
timers = {};
console.time = function( name ) {
if ( name ) {
timers[ name ] = Date.now();
console.timeEnd = function( name ) {
if ( timers[ name ] ) {
console.log( name + ': ' + (Date.now() - timers[ name ]) + 'ms' );
delete timers[ name ];
}( window.console ));
page.settings.loadImages = false;
page.settings.userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36';
page.viewportSize = {
width: 1280,
height: 800
block_urls = ['gstatic.com', 'adocean.pl', 'gemius.pl', 'twitter.com', 'facebook.net', 'facebook.com', 'planplus.rs'];
page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request){
for(url in block_urls) {
if(requestData.url.indexOf(block_urls[url]) !== -1) {
console.log(requestData.url + " aborted");
page.open('https://www.halooglasi.com/nekretnine/izdavanje-stanova/novi-beograd---novi-merkator-id19270/5425485514649', function () {
fs.write("longload.html", page.content, 'w');
}, 3000);