I\'m trying hard to find a way of aligning an EditText
and an ImageView
properly on Android. I keep getting this result:
use android:layout_centerInParent = true
for edit text and see weather it works?
You need to use RelativeLayout
with android:align_bottom
and android:align_Top
attribute. I am not writing the code though.
To get rid of the padding in the EditText, just use a custom image as background... rectangle with some shadow is enough... or whatever you like... and assign the background to the EditText using
Have you tried the setCompoundDrawables()
methods for the EditText
You can try setting the intrinsic bounds using the setBounds()
method on the Drawable or by using the setCompoundDrawablesWithInstrinsicBounds()
This should work on all devices.
remove editText's and ImageView's properties android:gravity="center" and set gravity property of linearlayout to center_vertically.
Finally found a suitable solution that scales across different Android versions/ROMs/styles.
The main problem is that the EditText's background drawable itself has transparent padding:
Also, I've noticed this transparent padding varies a lot between different Android versions/ROMs/styles (stock ICS, for instance, has no transparent padding at all).
In a mid-way conclusion, my original code properly alignes my ImageView with my EditText. However, what I really want is to align my ImageView with the visible part of the EditText's background.
To achieve this, I scan a Bitmap I create from my EditText's background drawable. I scan it top-bottom and bottom-up to find the amount of fully transparent lines and use those values as top/bottom padding for my ImageView. All this consistently takes less than 5ms on my N1. Here's the code:
if(editor.getBackground() != null) {
int width = editor.getWidth();
int height = editor.getHeight();
Drawable backgroundDrawable = editor.getBackground().getCurrent();
// Paint the editor's background in our bitmap
Bitmap tempBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Config.ARGB_4444);
backgroundDrawable.draw(new Canvas(tempBitmap));
// Get the amount of transparent lines at the top and bottom of the bitmap to use as padding
int topPadding = countTransparentHorizontalLines(0, height, tempBitmap);
int bottomPadding = countTransparentHorizontalLines(height-1, -1, tempBitmap);
// Discard the calculated padding if it means hiding the image
if(topPadding + bottomPadding > height) {
topPadding = 0;
bottomPadding = 0;
// Apply the padding
image.setPadding(0, topPadding, 0, bottomPadding);
private int countTransparentHorizontalLines(int fromHeight, int toHeight, Bitmap bitmap) {
int transparentHorizontalLines = 0;
int width = bitmap.getWidth();
int currentPixels[] = new int[width];
boolean fullyTransparentLine = true;
boolean heightRising = (fromHeight < toHeight);
int inc = heightRising ? 1 : -1;
for(int height = fromHeight; heightRising ? (height < toHeight) : (toHeight < height); height+=inc) {
bitmap.getPixels(currentPixels, 0, width, 0, height, width, 1);
for(int currentPixel : currentPixels) {
if(currentPixel != Color.TRANSPARENT && Color.alpha(currentPixel) != 255) {
fullyTransparentLine = false;
return transparentHorizontalLines;
And it works like a charm!