So I want to make changes on my front-end html file from my node.js backend. How would I do so? (Any suggestions with examples would be greatly appreciated)
You can't modify from the node side in the way that I think your're trying to do. You can send back a response to the client side, and on that response, you can trigger a function ( that you can write in JQuery ) that will change the DOM and save what needs to be changed in local storage ... here is an example ...
// the message being sent back will be saved in a localSession variable
// send back a couple list items to be added to the DOM
res.send({success: true, message: '<li>New list item number 1</li><li>New list item number 2</li>'});
Here is the front end ...
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<li>List item 1</li>
//li items with class change will be changed on button click
<li class='change'>List item 2</li>
<button class="trigger">Trigger Change</button>
//if we have data stored in the session variable, then use the data to change the DOM text
//change DOM function
function changeDom(){
//ajax call
url: 'http://localhost:8080/change',
data: {list: "some info"}
//if we have a successful post request ...
//change the DOM &
//set the data in local storage to persist upon page request
localStorage.setItem("permanentData", data.message);
var savedText = localStorage.getItem("permanentData");
//do nothing ....
//trigger change DOM function