I am making application in c#.Here i want to convert a byte array containing hex values to decimal values.Suppose i have one byte array as
The BitConverter.ToInt32 method is a good way to do this
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
Array.Reverse(array); //need the bytes in the reverse order
int value = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, 0);
Instead of checking IsLittleEndian
by yourself, you can use IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(value)
int value = BitConverter.ToInt32(array, 0);
value = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(value);
See more:
Mind the byte order.
int num =
array[0] << 8 * 3 |
array[1] << 8 * 2 |
array[2] << 8 * 1 |
array[3] << 8 * 0;
hex and decimal are just different ways to represent the same data you want something like
int myInt = array[0] | (array[1] << 8) | (array[2] << 16) | (array[3] <<24)
Here's a method to convert a string containing a hexadecimal number to a decimal integer:
private int HexToDec(string hexValue)
char[] values = hexValue.ToUpperInvariant().ToCharArray();
int result = 0;
string reference = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
result += (int)(reference.IndexOf(values[i]) * Math.Pow(16d, (double)i));
return result;
You can then string the pieces together and pass them to this function to get the decimal values. If you're using very large values, you may want to change from int to ulong.